viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014

-_- This is not a drill! Justin Bieber’s mum wants more kids !!! more Justin Biebers???

One Justin Bieber not enough for ya? Well, fear not, there may be a few more arriving in the near future as Justin’s mum, Pattie Mallette, has revealed that she wants more kids!

You’d have though Justin would have been a handful enough, but Pattie tweeted two pictures of herself holding a friend’s baby captioned, “A baby looks good on me eh? (Yep still Canadian). #iwantmorekids!"

Pattie, 37, has not had an easy time of it with Justin – she gave birth to him aged just 17 and ended up splitting with his dad, Jeremy Bieber, just ten months later. And all that is before he hit puberty and started getting copious amounts of tattoos and getting in trouble with the law.

Hopefully any future offspring will be less of a handful than Justin – a source recently told UsWeekly that Pattie was getting frustrated with his behaviour. They said, “Now she's telling him he has to fix his attitude and own up to his mistakes," the source explained at the time. They may be wayward, but any mini-Biebers sure would be cute!

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