domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

-_- {She said YES} ''Nicole Scherzinger'' finally agrees to marry ''Lewis Hamilton'' !!!

Nicole Scherzinger has reportedly finally said yes to marrying British F1 star Lewis Hamilton.

Hamilton is in pole position for today's Australian Grand Prix, and news that his long-term beau has agreed to be his wife should mean his is currently on top of the world.

X-Factor star Scherzinger has said yes after turning Hamilton down on three previous occasions, according to the Daily Star.

Last week Hamilton hinted at the pair's plans when he described Scherzinger as his "wifey."

Racing ace Lewis tweeted this delightful snap of himself with his gal on Wednesday, showing the happy pair enjoying a trip to the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City.

A source told the Star that the driver popped the question at his Swiss mansion where the pair will set up home together.

"Lewis will be the main breadwinner when Nicole is not working and she will always have access to his private jet if she needs to travel.

"It is the ideal plan for both of them and will hopefully lead to a big summer wedding in August when Lewis has a three-week break from his F1 schedule."

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