martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

-_- Cheryl Cole X Factor return= How the mighty have fallen eh Cheryl ?!?!

So it’s official. After months, even years, of being caught in this eternal speculation, denial, speculation, denial cycle, Cheryl has finally admitted that she will be taking her seat behind the UK’s most famous desk once again.

While the rest of the country seems to be going into some kind of joy overloaded meltdown about Cheryl’s glorious return, am I the only person who thinks that her big comeback is actually a massive step down?  How the mighty have fallen, eh Chezza?

Rewind three years if you will. Cheryl is poised for global superstardom. She has the backing of Simon Cowell and, two of the most influential men in the entertainment industry. She has the X Factor US gig and looks set to be one of the biggest stars in the world.
America was sure to love her. The Princess of PR had already managed to change the national perception over here from chav, with a bit of a penchant for nightclub-loo violence to national treasure. Apart from Gamu-gate, she could do no wrong. We even forgave her for Cher Lloyd. (Most of us). But something went wrong. America didn't love her and Callous Cowell gave her the boot. She revealed in her autobiography that she got a bit sweary and ranty at Simon and text him the following, 'F*** you. F*** Fox. F*** Britain's Got Talent. F*** the orange and purple outfit. F*** big hair. F*** the UK X Factor. F*** you all. I hate you.” Charming.

The rumour mill went into overdrive then; apparently Simon was begging her to come back to the UK show. A spokesperson shot these rumours down on Chezza’s behalf, “She is over The X Factor. It's behind her, she is moving on with other projects.”

Two years ago she asked us all to get a grip on ourselves and accept she will never be back on X Factor. Well, kind of. She tweeted, “X factor was a great experience and time in my life and career but is now part of my past .. Please #letsmoveonnow #newnewspls Zzzzz *yawns*.” You know, like it’s all a bit beneath her.
And now, she’s all manner of ‘inspired’, ‘excited’ and ‘overjoyed’ to be going back to the show that apparently bored her as recently as January when she tweeted, ‘Same rumour, different day/year’. So why the U-turn?

Could it be the disappointing sales of A Million Lights? Could it be the £1.5 million pay day, she’s set to earn from it? Could it be the fact that in November she got a nice little £1.4 million pay-out from her ill-fated X Factor US stint and apparently is now able to forgive and forget?

Whatever the reason, I suggest that if Ashley Cole is thinking about winning her back, then now would be a good time to make the call. She’s clearly in a very forgiving mood.

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