sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

-_- ''Britney Spears'' Steps Out For Ice Cream With Boyfriend ''David Lucado''!!.

Britney Spears and boyfriend David Lucado were observed Thursday enjoying some ice cream in a cone, an apparent reward after a vigorous day of working out.

Spears and Lucado had just come from a lengthy workout session, and were dressed for the part in extremely casual attire, with Britney sporting sweats and sandals. The happy couple clearly does not have a problem stepping out in such a fashion, and have been spotted publicly on numerous occasions in a variety of comfortable outfits.

Spears appeared to be enjoying a double scoop cone, while Lucado apparently abstained from the ice cream treat, allowing Britney to consume hers alone while he looked on approvingly.

Britney and her new flame seem to be getting along swimmingly after almost a full year together, as Spears previously indicated to Ellen DeGeneres. “It was instant, yeah. I just love that he’s very passionate and he’s funny and he’s sexy. I don’t know, I like him. I just… I love him.” Britney also mentioned to Ellen the manner in which the pair was introduced. “My friends brought me up to him…They brought me to him just to introduce me to him,” Spears explained enthusiastically.

Another source close to the couple confirmed this sentiment, exclaiming, “They are totally in love and they make a good pair.”

After the nice, casual day spent together Thursday, Britney and David decided to grab some lunch at Freebirds World Burrito the very next day, again going the casual route with their wardrobe. Britney went makeup free and sported some black leggings, while David opted for basketball shorts.

The pair is clearly enjoying Spears break from her spectacular headlining show at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas. Britney: Piece of Me opened on December 27th and has proven to be immensely popular as well as lucrative, grossing a total of $10.9 million in only 16 performances thus far.

Despite initial skepticism from some critics, Britney and her show have performed extremely well, attracting interest from other pop divas including Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, and Selena Gomez. A steady stream of celebrities has made appearances at the shows, paying homage to Britney. Actress Anna Kendrick seemed to enjoy the show, while Nicole Richie actually showed up on stage attached to a leash. Lady Gaga also put in some time at a show, and fans can look forward to a collaboration between Britney and Gaga in the near future.

Things appear to be going rather well for Britney both personally and professionally. Spears will presumably continue spending quality time with Lucado before resuming her Las Vegas show on April 25th.

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