lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014

Two pensioners left bloodied and battered in separate vicious doorstep attacks

Police have released shocking images of injuries inflicted on two old ladies attacked in their own homes after robbers forced their way in
Sickening: Injuries to Jean Taylor, 76, left, in Bristol who feared she would die and the badly bruised arms of a 92-year-old in Rotherham attacked in her own home

Two old ladies have been brutally battered in separate doorstep attacks.
Terrified Jean Taylor, 76, thought she was going to die after after being beaten about the head and left covered in blood by an “evil” thug who knocked on her door.
The pair had chatted for several minutes on her doorstep before the raider forced his way inside. The heartless thug - aged in his late 30s or early 40s - left Jean with cuts and bruises to her head as he made off with cash.
The retired English teacher, who walks with a stick, feared the robber would break her skull as he beat her over the head with a door-stop.
She said: "It was mid-afternoon when he rang the bell. He looked quite pleasant and he was to begin with. He was just making conversation about general things and talking about people moving in and out of the street.
"He said something about a cat. I said 'my cat's upstairs in bed' and when I turned away he pushed me on the floor. I thought I was going to die, I really did.
"I think he hit me with my door stop - a pottery cat. He just kept hitting me and I thought he was going to break my skull. I just didn't know why he did it - it was awful.
“If you had seen his face it was pure evil.”
He ransacked the house and escaped with £100 as she lay covered in blood on the floor.
Jean needed stitches above her right eye and right ear. She also suffered bruised ribs, a bruised hand and still has head pain and memory loss a fortnight after the attack.
Police yesterday released the bloodied image of Jean in a bid to catch the hoodie-wearing attacker.
Investigator Paul Hopes said: “This was a vicious and prolonged assault on an elderly lady in her own home.
“I would appeal to people to look at the description we have issued and think about whether they saw or heard anything suspicious.
“If you think you know who may be responsible, please do the right thing and call us as soon as possible.”
The attack happened in the Totterdown area of Bristol around 2pm on Tuesday, January 28.
The suspect was white, of medium build, and possibly wearing a green or grey hooded top, baseball cap, faded blue jeans and dark shoes.
Meanwhile a 92-year-old woman has been subjected to a "terrifying ordeal" by two intruders who posed as police to get into her home.
The pensioner was violently restrained by a man who robbed her at her home in Rotherham along with a woman accomplice.
A spokesman said that after pushing the pensioner into her flat in Bawtry Road at 6.50pm on Saturday, the man held onto the OAP, badly bruising her arms, while the woman ransacked the property and stole around £400 in cash.
Detective Inspector Steve Ashmore said: "This was a terrifying ordeal for an elderly member of the community. It appears to be an isolated incident but that's no consolation to the victim who sustained significant bruising to her arms.
"To trick your way into someone's home is devious and calculated but then to restrain a pensioner and take cash from her purse is a despicable act."
Detective said the raiders are believed to be in their 50s. The male suspect is described as white, 5ft 10in tall, of stocky build with a round face and a thick grey moustache.
The man was wearing a blue anorak with a hood, which he wore up on his head, and spoke with a local accent.
The female suspect is described as white, 5'4", slim build and was wearing a blue anorak similar to the man with a hood. She also spoke with a local accent.
Anyone with information should call South Yorkshire Police on 101 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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