viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

-_-''Justin Bieber Miami Court Date Pushed Back For Jail Video Review??

Justin Bieber’s court date to face a charge of DUI and related has been pushed back, a Miami-Dade court spokeswoman informed AFP Thursday.

Bieber was due to stand trial March 3 to answer misdemeanor charges of driving under the influence, resisting arrest, and driving with an expired license during a January 23 incident described by police as a “drag race.” The star pleaded not guilty in writing last month.

The trial date has been canceled while Judge William Altfield reviews jail surveillance videos of Bieber in custody at Miami Beach Police Station, where he was taken after his arrest.

In addition to a negligible amount of alcohol, the teen singer had marijuana and prescription medication for anxiety in his system at the time of his arrest, according to a state attorney’s office-released toxicology report.

Altfield’s review comes after a motion from Bieber’s lawyers to block the release of the jail videos which contains footage of the singer urinating into a cup for a drug test, and content showing him “in various state of undress” revealing “intimate parts” of his body.

The February 6 motion was prompted by Miami Beach Police’s release to the media of one video showing Bieber being patted down by an officer.

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