sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

-_- ''Piers Morgan'' Shot Down By CNN Ted Nugent and the 2nd Amendment !!!

Piers Morgan’s relentless attacks on gun rights and the 2nd Amendment appear to be the real reason behind CNN’s asking him to take a long walk off a short pier. Show ratings have tanked, and rocker Ted Nugent claims credit.

It’s not like Piers was well-liked, either in the USA or in his native land, as reported previously in The Inquisitr. His constant belittling and name-calling of red-blooded, gun-toting Americans did not earn him any friends. And it certainly didn’t earn him ratings. Last Wednesday, Piers Morgan Live garnered a mere 345,000 viewers, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC attracted 860,000, while Fox’s Megyn Kelly overwhelmed him with 2.06 million viewers.

And conservative gun-rights activist and rock star Ted Nugent told CNN anchor Erin Burnett that he is responsible for getting Piers Morgan canned. In an interview where he apologized for calling President Barack Obama a “sub-human mongrel,” Nugent stated:

“For anyone to claim that I’m a racist or it had racist overtones is the typical crap that the propaganda ministry and the media — particularly most of your co-workers there, even though I got Piers Morgan’s a** thrown out, and I’ll do the same with Don Lemon and Wolf Blitzer when I can.”

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