martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

!!Vince McMahon Newcastle United Takeover,\' WWE Owner Interested In Buying Soccer Side!?

Vince McMahon is allegedly interested in purchasing English Premier League soccer side, Newcastle United.

The WWE owner has reportedly been in very early discussions about taking over the North-East team after Newcastle United’s current owner, Mike Ashley, hinted that he wants to sell his stake at St James’ Park.

According to Winner Sports, an insider told them, “Vince McMahon has been sniffing around the club and seems keen on pursuing his interest. He sees England as an untapped market for his wrestling empire. He has even indicated he could put on wrestling bouts at St James’ Park.”

However, the source admitted that the wrestling tycoon is still developing his plan to own the team, stating, “Obviously it is very early days but there is hope the fans may get what they want with Ashley leaving. Buying a club like Newcastle would throw him into the spotlight in England which is just what he is looking to do.”

McMahon is believed to have a net worth of just over $1billion, and with Newcastle United being valued at $263million in April, he wouldn’t have to risk too much of his fortune in the Magpies.

Last month, The Guardian quashed rumors from 2011 that had previously linked McMahon to Newcastle United, stating that these reports only gained momentum after they started to spread across various social media sites.

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